<aside> ℹ️ This guide is mainly my own personal reference of how to install WordPress on AWS using a 3-tier architecture. As I use macOS, I have only been able to verify any mentioned terminal commands on my Mac. The commands may still be compatible with the Windows 10/11 Command Prompt and Linux however you may need to do your own troubleshooting should anything not work.
Please feel free to use this document as a guide however be aware that I have not gone into detail by adding screenshots for all of the resources.
You will need to click on the ▶︎ toggles to see all of the details for each section.
WordPress requires a LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) in order to run it on a web server. You can also use a LEMP stack (Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP). This guide will use a LAMP stack.
Some of the services used in this guide will occur charges if left running. It is your own responsibility to terminate everything after you have finished testing.
The details in this guide are based on the AWS console as of March 2023. </aside>
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